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Ahhh family walks!... The fresh country air, picking red fruits, picnic breaks, bonding with your children, the joy of simple things...

But for that, you still have to be well prepared.

Because without preparation, the scenery can be completely different: grumbling children, lack of water, poorly marked trails... These are all factors that happen (too) often and can spoil your experience.

We reassure you: preparing a family outing is not a huge task. You just need to anticipate 2-3 little things that we talk about in this article. Easy as pie.

Ready? Let's go.

The children

It is well known that children and hiking often do not go well together. Too difficult, too boring... There are many reasons why your little ones do not enjoy this activity. In fact, hiking is a bit like classical music: you appreciate it with age.

What if motivating your children was easier than you thought? Here are our 3 tips.

  • 1st tip: First of all, make sure you leave with some “ammunition” in your bag. A first aid kit in case of an injury (disinfectant, bandage, paracetamol, bandage, etc.) and pick-me-ups for when you’re feeling down (cereal bars, biscuits, fruit, sweets). It could save you.

  • 2nd tip: Secondly, set them milestones to motivate them: in 2 kilometers we take a break, in 5 kilometers we have a snack, etc. etc.
  • 3rd tip: Then, don't hesitate to keep their minds occupied while they walk. They won't see the time go by! It can start by singing songs as a family. It will make the hike more fun and interactive. You can also suggest they play games, in order to make the experience fun. Especially since games are an excellent way to stimulate the imagination and encourage cooperation.

Walking with your children allows you to introduce them to observing and respecting nature.

Here are some ideas for games to play while walking:

Spot the Alphabet : The goal of the game is to find natural objects along the path for each letter of the alphabet. For example, for the letter A, you could look for trees, bees, or ants. For the letter B, you could look for branches, berries, or buds. You can give a time limit to make the game more competitive and fun. In addition to stimulating creativity and imagination, this game also allows children to learn to identify different species and natural elements around them.

I See : A simple and effective thinking game ideal for walking. One player chooses a visible object and says: "I see with my little eye, something beginning with...". The player fills in the blank with the first letter of the object's name (A for tree for example). The other players have to guess the object and the player can only answer yes or no. Alternative for younger players: the blank is filled with the color of the object, rather than the first letter. The player says "I see with my little eye something of..." replacing the blank with the color.

The Hunter : One player is the hunter. The others shout out the name of an animal and the hunter must remember who says what. The hunter then decides which animal to hunt, such as saying, "I'm going to hunt the lion." The hunter chases the player who is the lion. The lion then needs to shout out the name of another animal before the hunter can catch it. The hunter must then hunt the other animal instead. Once a player is caught by the hunter or calls out an animal that no one else has chosen, they become the hunter.

When I go on vacation: The first player says “When I go on vacation I take…” and points to an object, for example: a toothbrush. The second player repeats the sentence and adds another object. For example, “When I go on vacation I take a toothbrush and a t-shirt.” Players continue to add things to the list until no one can recite the list correctly.

Animal Chain : The first player names an animal, for example bear. The next player must name an animal that begins with the last letter of the last animal named, for example snake. The game continues until a player cannot name an animal or an animal is repeated. You can do this with a different theme.

Who am I : One player chooses an object and says "Who am I?" The other players ask questions to guess what the object is, but the answer can only be YES or NO. For example: Can you be eaten? Can you be found in a house? Do you use electricity? The winner is the player who guesses the correct object.


Ideal for strengthening the bond between man and animal , the walk allows you to exercise physically, stimulate your animal, and teach it to walk at the pace of its master. It also helps develop the animal's sense of smell and strengthen its breathing and muscles. Finally, it is a perfect activity to educate or perfect the education of your little companion.

Here is a special little checklist so you don’t forget anything for your pet:

  • A first aid kit with bandages, disinfectant, tick remover, protection for the animal's paws, etc.
  • Water and a snack for the animal if the walk drags on
  • Special bags for picking up your pet’s droppings… yes, even in the wilderness! A question of respect for other hikers.
  • It may be a good idea to attach a GPS tag to the animal in case it gets lost.

Walking has many benefits for your pet: developing its sense of smell, strengthening its breathing and muscles.

With time, and a little training, the pair can gain experience . It is then easier to extend the hike both in terms of distance and duration , and to opt for a higher level of difficulty . The best advice that can be given is to always take into account the physical abilities of your animal .

During the walk, if you plan to take your pet off the leash at times, make sure that your pet obeys the recall . It is risky if this is not the case. You must therefore anticipate and start by educating him before practicing this leisure activity.

Walking your pet should delight your children! It's another great way to motivate them to walk.

Our advice for a successful walk

Make sure you have a map of the route and look for trail markers so you don't get lost. You can also take a compass just in case.

Here is our checklist so you don’t forget anything:

Being well equipped is essential for a successful family outing.

You should always take precautions before going on a walk, the first being to find out about the weather . There is no point in venturing out if you are going to experience a thunderstorm in the middle of nature or a windstorm. So you only go when the weather conditions are favorable .

Last tip: ENJOY . There's nothing like a successful family outing, where you manage to combine effort and pleasure. It makes for great memories that your children will remember for a long time. And so will you!

Article written by Solenn de Muule on September 12, 2024.

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