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Metro, Work, Sleep… Outdoor!

Life, weeks, commutings, Powerpoint presentations late at night. But also the call of the aperitif, children, friends, home… can you relate?

Climbing, trudging, camping, running... Breathing! Getting more often outside to feel better inside (who wrote this awkward slogan?!)

This somewhat philosophical observation was the starting point of Muule, created by Martin and Dimitri in May 2022.

The two outdoor enthusiasts, based in Lyon, are willing to make you switch to “out” mode more often and more easily.

Their aim is to take you out around the corner for a little urban trail between two meetings, or take your Friday off to escape for a great bivouac on the peaks with friends or family.

For the two entrepreneurs, the outdoors is not a sport, it's a whole. It's not a competition, it's an art of living. It's everywhere, all the time and in all weathers (when you have the right equipment!).

They want to share all of this. That's the starting point of Muule.

Passionate about the outdoors, we wanted to bring together the brands that we liked on a platform.

The big prestigious names, but also the little climbing nuggets.

We wanted to show that with the right equipment, you go OUT more often and you go OUT better.

Because we are curious and we cannot practice the outdoors without being committed to the future of our planet, we also wanted to give you more information than elsewhere on the CSR commitments of our brands partners. How they make their products and where, with which materials, how the people who sewed your pair of shoes or your backpack are treated...

Muule is all of that. It's a team, an online platform, our favorite equipment and our advice to make the most of it.

It's a mission we set for ourselves to simplify and clarify what this equipment contains "IN", to allow you to switch to "OUT" mode more often.

In the team, we're already completely out! What about you?

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By completing this order, you accumulate CHF 0 00 in your kitty

Dès votre premier achat chez Muule vous cumulez des euros dans une cagnotte. Celle-ci est accessible dans votre compte perso et vous pourrez l'utiliser dès la commande suivante.
