Here are some ideas for games to play while walking:
Spot the Alphabet : The goal of the game is to find natural objects along the path for each letter of the alphabet. For example, for the letter A, you could look for trees, bees, or ants. For the letter B, you could look for branches, berries, or buds. You can give a time limit to make the game more competitive and fun. In addition to stimulating creativity and imagination, this game also allows children to learn to identify different species and natural elements around them.
I See : A simple and effective thinking game ideal for walking. One player chooses a visible object and says: "I see with my little eye, something beginning with...". The player fills in the blank with the first letter of the object's name (A for tree for example). The other players have to guess the object and the player can only answer yes or no. Alternative for younger players: the blank is filled with the color of the object, rather than the first letter. The player says "I see with my little eye something of..." replacing the blank with the color.
The Hunter : One player is the hunter. The others shout out the name of an animal and the hunter must remember who says what. The hunter then decides which animal to hunt, such as saying, "I'm going to hunt the lion." The hunter chases the player who is the lion. The lion then needs to shout out the name of another animal before the hunter can catch it. The hunter must then hunt the other animal instead. Once a player is caught by the hunter or calls out an animal that no one else has chosen, they become the hunter.
When I go on vacation: The first player says “When I go on vacation I take…” and points to an object, for example: a toothbrush. The second player repeats the sentence and adds another object. For example, “When I go on vacation I take a toothbrush and a t-shirt.” Players continue to add things to the list until no one can recite the list correctly.
Animal Chain : The first player names an animal, for example bear. The next player must name an animal that begins with the last letter of the last animal named, for example snake. The game continues until a player cannot name an animal or an animal is repeated. You can do this with a different theme.
Who am I : One player chooses an object and says "Who am I?" The other players ask questions to guess what the object is, but the answer can only be YES or NO. For example: Can you be eaten? Can you be found in a house? Do you use electricity? The winner is the player who guesses the correct object.