Why is this (really) not good news?
The consequences are first and foremost for our apple, us Men. The problem manifests itself first… on our plates . To give you an idea, for 300 grams of mussel flesh, we ingest on average 300 plastic microparticles!
But still, if it was only that, we could only blame ourselves. The thing is that this pollution impacts a lot of living organisms that didn't ask anyone for anything. The fish are taking a toll and the marine plants are seriously showing off. The entire aquatic ecosystem suffers. And this causes a collapse of biodiversity : alteration of the development of corals, devastation on the behavior, on the development, on the physiology and on the reproduction of a whole range of species. In short, not tiptop.
Good. We reassure you, a good part of the particles are still intercepted in the treatment of wastewater . But not everything and not everywhere! Depending on the continent, the requirements are not the same, and above all, it is not (yet) done in all countries. In any case, remember that it remains difficult to stop the smallest particles , anywhere.